large lemur

large lemur

The Large Lemur, also known as the Indri, is a majestic and endangered species found only in Madagascar.

Majestic creatures

Indris are the largest living lemurs, with their black and white fur, striking yellow eyes, and distinctive wailing calls.

Habitat loss

One of the main threats to the survival of the Indri is habitat loss due to deforestation and agriculture.

Conservation efforts

Conservation organizations are working tirelessly to protect the remaining Indri population and their habitats through reforestation efforts and education programs.

Unique behaviors

The Indri are known for their unique way of moving through the trees by using a form of vertical clinging and leaping called ‘vertical clingers’.

Fragile existence

With only an estimated 1,000 to 2,000 individuals left in the wild, the Indri’s existence hangs in the balance.

Call to action

It is crucial that we take action to protect these beautiful creatures and their habitats to ensure their survival for future generations. Discovering the endangered beauty of the Large Lemur serves as a reminder of the importance of conservation efforts in preserving our planet’s biodiversity.